Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Stella (Boston, MA)

Stella Restaurant
1525 Washington Street
Boston, MA 02118
(617) 247-7747

Architecture: bun, cheese, bacon, caramelized onions, patty, bun. L&T
on the side.

This was handily one of the best burger I had all year. The beef was
cooked to perfection (medium, with a robust pink in center), with a
hint of peppercorns and charcoal. The buttered brioche was similarly
broiled over open fire, yielding a feisty carb rendition that stood up
to the beef. Washed down with a couple of excellent bloody marys, the
burger at Stella was simply divine, with a good initial bite and a
lingering beefy finish. This is not to be missed.




Rating: 1 star to the burger.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mark, that one looks seriously badass!!! I need to grab it next year when I trek up to b-town for my college reunion! thanks for the review, cheers!! Val Kim
